Tag: jQuery

  • Full page regulations/terms

    Full page regulations/terms

    This is my approach for displaying full page regulations on your website. User won’t be able to do anything until scrolling to the bottom of license. Acceptance button will be enabled only after that.

  • Cool vaporizing notification for form inputs

    Cool vaporizing notification for form inputs

    Read more and check how cool your forms might be! Click multiple times and ratatatatatatatatata…

  • JS Glitcher

    JS Glitcher

    I’ve created simple JS glitcher based on jQuery for fun. It has framework like structure so you can easily extend it’s effects. Check JSFiddle for demo or Gist for raw code.

  • Javascript inline function parser

    Javascript inline function parser

    Since the dawn of time I’ve needed method to put a Javascript code into HTML node in a nice manner. Finally it’s here! I shall present to you inline function parser for JS callbacks…

  • HTML5 Swipe Gallery

    HTML5 Swipe Gallery

    Fullscreen swipe gallery with pinch zoom support based on HTML5 for kiosk use. It was tested during exhibition in National Museum in Warsaw.

  • jQuery UI dialog with form fields passing data into single input

    jQuery UI dialog with form fields passing data into single input

    I’ve recently ran into this scenario: there is a single input field with dimensions in a height x width x depth format. What we can do to force/guide user to use propper format?

  • Simpliest way to obfuscate e-mail address using jQuery

    Simpliest way to obfuscate e-mail address using jQuery

    Here is a simpliest jQuery code to protect e-mail addresses on your website from spam bots. Just put this in a script tag into the head section: $(window).load(function() { // anti spam var r=’random-string’; $(‘.’+r).each(function() { var $this = $(this), value = new String($this.text()); value = value.replace(‘[‘+r+’]’, ‘@’); $this.replaceWith($(”).text(value).attr(‘href’, ‘mailto:’+value)); }); }); Now replace random-string with any […]

  • jQuery advanced filter list plugin

    jQuery advanced filter list plugin

    This is a plugin for realtime list filtering using a text input. It’s very simple in use. Look at examples below: Init filter: $(document).ready(function() { $(‘ul.dynamic-search-list’).filterList({ inputSelector: ‘#filter-input’ }); }); inputSelector is the only option required by plugin. It’s a jQuery selector for input field that will be used for list filtering. Detach filter: $(‘ul#2’).filterList(‘detach’); […]