Tag: PostgreSQL

  • Backup script for PostgreSQL with zip support (Windows)

    Backup script for PostgreSQL with zip support (Windows)

    Simplest solution for backing up PostgreSQL databases. With this bat file you can dump one database to a file and compress it using 7-zip. PS. If you want a date in your filename simply add %date% var to it’s string. PS2. Of course check your paths before complaining it does not work 😛 @echo off […]

  • How to list all PostgreSQL databases and their sizes in MB

    How to list all PostgreSQL databases and their sizes in MB

    You must provide proper database name and user: File: gistfile1.txt ——————- psql -c “SELECT pg_database.datname, pg_database_size(pg_database.datname), pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(pg_database.datname)) FROM pg_database ORDER BY pg_database_size DESC;” -d