Category: Administration

  • Cryptic error 0x1 in Windows™ Task Scheduler

    Cryptic error 0x1 in Windows™ Task Scheduler

    In case you ever wondered why your task returns 0x1 in Last Run Result instead of 0x0. Check if your task is trying to create any files, if it does, you must tick “Run with highest privileges” in General tab of your task properties. I’ve spent some precious time to uncover that because I’m not […]

  • How to list all PostgreSQL databases and their sizes in MB

    How to list all PostgreSQL databases and their sizes in MB

    You must provide proper database name and user: File: gistfile1.txt ——————- psql -c “SELECT pg_database.datname, pg_database_size(pg_database.datname), pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(pg_database.datname)) FROM pg_database ORDER BY pg_database_size DESC;” -d

  • How to find Raspberry Pi using MAC address

    How to find Raspberry Pi using MAC address

    When you want to find your headless but networked Raspberry Pi and you’re lazy like me use nmap: sudo nmap -sP | awk ‘/^Nmap/{ip=$NF}/B8:27:EB/{print ip}’ Mask /24 means that addresses from to will be searched. You can extend that to /16 if you don’t know subnet of your device.

  • Permission denied when script is trying to execute ps_files_cleanup_dir

    Permission denied when script is trying to execute ps_files_cleanup_dir

    This is pretty common problem. I’ve encountered it on recent version of the Debian operating system. When you see something like that: Notice: session_start(): ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/lib/php5/sessions) failed: Permission denied (13) in /mnt/www-data/htdocs/raportMNW/inc/bryanjhv/slim-session/src/Slim/Middleware/Session.php on line 110 You can fix that easily with following Linux commands: sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini Now use CTRL+W to find following string session.save_path and configure it […]

  • How to setup pushover alert on logon event in Windows

    How to setup pushover alert on logon event in Windows

    In this post I’ll show you how to configure Pushover with Windows server. In this specific case it will notify you when someone logs onto your machine.

  • How to change computer name remotely using Windows 7?

    How to change computer name remotely using Windows 7?

    There is a command line tool called netdom. Unfortunately it’s not preinstalled on Windows 7. This guide will show how to add this tool to your system and how to change remote computer name.

  • How to remove unwanted HTTP Response Headers in IIS 7.5

    How to remove unwanted HTTP Response Headers in IIS 7.5

    Hiding server software is one of ways to protect your services from hackers. It’s quite easy to obscure IIS identity. In few steps I’ll show you how to accomplish this task on WIMP stack.

  • How to manualy recreate AWstats logs on Windows

    How to manualy recreate AWstats logs on Windows

    Sometimes it happens that your scheduled task on Windows missed some logs. I’ve recently had a such problem because I’ve deleted a Windows user that created AWstats task. What did I do to repair this awkward situation? Firstly you cannot simply regenerate daily log from the past. In this case AWstats will simply skip old […]