Category: Phaser course
Episode 5: Structure
Projects may vary on size. Here is gradation of Phaser projects and best practices to work with different type of games.
Episode 4: States and everything about them
In this lesson we’re going to learn how to create states, extend them and also how to control them
Episode 3: Update function
In third lesson we gonna do some nice stuff with famous Amiga ball 🙂
Episode 2: Methods, properties and function flow in state
Basically states are objects that consists one or more methods. Initially state has some methods and properties predefined. You can learn about them in this article.
Episode 1: Intro to state manager
States in other words are chunks of game program – think of them as chapters. States are not something you see, they are only containers with variables and renderable objects. For example preloader or main menu can have a state. Also levels of your game are states, even game over screen can be a state. […]
Intro: Phaser course
It’s official! I’m starting to learn Phaser and I’ll share any knowledge that I’ll get with you, for free! I’ve created my first project in this awesome Javascript framework and it works 🙂 I’ve decided to create this course because gamedev knowledge is very scattered… Initially I’ve created a Frankenstein’s monster from many parts gathered around […]