Category: Server
Use Powershell to periodically cleanup temporary dirs
Simple code snippet to cleanup files older than n days.
Parse logs for Matomo (Piwik) on Windows [using Powershell]
Automatic log parsing on Windows machines fot Matomo (Piwik). Once again, thanks to: Adrian Ligiewicz (aka the Master of Powershell)
Backup script for PostgreSQL with zip support 2.0 [using PowerShell]
Version 2 of PostgreSQL backup script. It uses PowerShell and json file for database settings declaration. This post was created in cooperation with Adrian Ligiewicz.
Backup script for PostgreSQL with zip support (Windows)
Simplest solution for backing up PostgreSQL databases. With this bat file you can dump one database to a file and compress it using 7-zip. PS. If you want a date in your filename simply add %date% var to it’s string. PS2. Of course check your paths before complaining it does not work 😛 @echo off […]
How to setup your IIS to handle very long PHP execution?
This might be useful when serving file downloads or uploads using PHP.
PHP reading problem with files larger than 2 GB
If you’ll ever have problem with opening (fopen) and reading (fread) files larger than 2 GB in your PHP script. Check your version of scripting engine. In my case switching to 64 bit solved the problem. Please mind that this error is very hard to debug because PHP does not log anything (same as MS […]
How to setup pushover alert on logon event in Windows
In this post I’ll show you how to configure Pushover with Windows server. In this specific case it will notify you when someone logs onto your machine.