During webapp development you’ll need often assets republication. When you publish assets using directory path, framework won’t republish them automaticaly. So what can you do? It’s plain simple. Use YII_DEBUG constant as fourth argument in publish function.
$assetPath = Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.components.assets'), false, 1, YII_DEBUG);
From this moment Yii will republish assets on every page refresh only in debug mode (it won’t consume your resources in production mode).
0 responses to “Force Yii to republish assets every page refresh”
Thanks for shairing information about Yii Development.
and where are we supposed to put this code ?
This article will give you pretty good explanation about assets in Yii: http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/148/understanding-assets/
Well! Yii can be used to develop web applications of any kind and keeping to any scale or magnitude, its effectiveness shines through in projects which require a heavy flow of data.