How to silently deploy Chrome on a remote host?

Here you’ll find complete instruction how to deploy Chrome on one remote host at once in Windows environment.

  1. Go to and download proper msi.
  2. Put installer on some visible for everyone network path. For example: //YOUR_MAMA/share/googlechromestandaloneenterprise64.msi
  3. Install (if you still don’t have it) Psexec. Here you can read where you can find it.
  4. Run cmd an type the following command:
    psexec64 -s /user:domain\login -i \\REMOTE_COMPUTER "msiexec" /q /i \\YOUR_MAMA\share\googlechromestandaloneenterprise64.msi
  5. It will prompt you about your password – obviously type one tied to option domain/login.
  6. After few minutes cmd shall output error code 0 which means no error at all 🙂

Important things:

If you’ll get message that msiexec cannot access msi file, tweak your share privileges. Add read permission to Everyone.

Beware the permission problems ahead.