Tag: ubuntu
When copying a large file on Linux transfer hangs at the end… And you want to f**king kill someone.
There’s an annoying bug in almost every Linux distribution I’ve worked with. When your copying a large file to usb device (pendrive etc.) it hangs at the end (I mean it haaaaaaaaaaaaangs). I’ve found a solution that works on Elementary and Ubuntu (at least). Simply paste this two commands in your terminal: Add this to […]
Permission denied when script is trying to execute ps_files_cleanup_dir
This is pretty common problem. I’ve encountered it on recent version of the Debian operating system. When you see something like that: Notice: session_start(): ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/lib/php5/sessions) failed: Permission denied (13) in /mnt/www-data/htdocs/raportMNW/inc/bryanjhv/slim-session/src/Slim/Middleware/Session.php on line 110 You can fix that easily with following Linux commands: sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini Now use CTRL+W to find following string session.save_path and configure it […]