Version 2 of PostgreSQL backup script. It uses PowerShell and json file for database settings declaration.
This post was created in cooperation with Adrian Ligiewicz.
File: backup_pg.ps1
#Global config (always uncommented)
$PG_BIN = "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin\pg_dump.exe"
$ZIP_BIN="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
#Database config for (uncomment if manual use)
#Databases json file (comment if manual use)
$DataBases = (Get-Content -Raw -Path .\databases.json | ConvertFrom-Json)
#Loop start (comment if manual use)
foreach ($Database in $Databases){
#Core functions (always uncommented)
$PG_FILENAME=$PG_PATH + "\" + $PG_DATABASE + "_postgres.sql"
$PG_BIN_ARGs="-h " + $PG_HOST + " -p " + $PG_PORT + " -U " + $PG_USER + " " + $PG_DATABASE# + " > " + $PG_FILENAME
Start-Process $PG_BIN $PG_BIN_ARGs -NoNewWindow -Wait -RedirectStandardOutput $PG_FILENAME
$ZIP_BIN_ARGs="a " + $PG_FILENAME.TrimEnd("sql") + "zip" + " " + $PG_FILENAME
Start-Process $ZIP_BIN $ZIP_BIN_ARGs -Wait
Remove-Item $PG_FILENAME
#Debug section
#Write-Host "Pass"
#End of loop (comment if manual use)
#Sample json (always commented)
# {"user":"Konrad","password":"StronkPassword","database":"DBKonrad"},
# {"user":"Adrian","password":"WekPass","database":"DoNotLook"},
# {"user":"John","password":"Test","database":"TestDB"}
File: databases.json