Simple code snippet to cleanup files older than n days.
#json extraction to variable set
$Dirs=(Get-Content -Raw -Path cleanup.json | ConvertFrom-Json)
#.json file example:
# {"DIR":"C:\\Archives\\Dir1","DAYS":"20"},
# {"DIR":"C:\\Archives\\Dir2","DAYS":"20"},
# {"DIR":"C:\\Archives\\Dir3","DAYS":"20"}
foreach ($Dir in $Dirs){
$Log = $Dir.DIR
Get-ChildItem -Path ($Dir.DIR) -Force | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-$Dir.DAYS)} | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Exclude *.txt -Verbose 4>&1 | Add-Content FTP_cleanup.log
Remember to create cleanup.json in the same directory.
Author of this script: Adrian Ligiewicz (hire this Powershell magician if you need to automate some Windows stuff, he’s goooood)